IOLAR story
At a glance
IOLAR - a story that began in Dublin
lolar's story starts at the beginning of the 1990s, when the European subsidiary of Microsoft, based in Dublin, lreland, was looking for translators to localize Microsoft Word 6.0 into Slovenian. A group of writers, translators and editors answered their call and set out to perform the first software localization project in Slovenian language.
This was followed by the localization of Microsoft Windows 95 operating system and countless other localization and translation projects. Over the years, this team grew to love not only Microsoft, software and localization, but also lreland and its capital Dublin.
So when time came to form a company and select a name, they naturally found inspiration in their work and named the company lolar, which means "eagle" in Irish Gaelic, symbolizing its role as the herald of the digital age.
Since then, Iolar has constantly been pushing the boundaries of the translation industry.
As a result of localizing Microsoft products, it had a profound influence on the Slovenian IT terminology, it was the first translation company in Slovenia to start using translation memories, it was one of the founding members of the Slovenian Association of Translation Companies and one of the first Slovenian companies certified according to the translation quality standard EN 15038 (now ISO 17100).
From its origins in software localization, the eagle has spread its wings and expanded into many other domains and languages to become one of the largest translation companies in Southern Europe.
IOLAR Timeline
Atlantis Publishing is established as a separate department of the company Atlantis. First localisations are evolved translating computer manuals, educational materials and books written in-house.
IOLAR successfully performs the first software localisation project into the Slovenian language - Microsoft Word 6.
IOLAR localises the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system, which is the first Slovenian operating system Iocalisation and thus the foundation for Slovenian computer terminology.
Atlantis Publishing House cuts its ties with Atlantis and becomes an independent company -IOLAR
As Slovenia enters EU IOLAR becomes the first ever Slovenian DGT provider; currently holding several major EU related contracts
IOLAR is a founding member of the Slovenian Association of Translation Companies, a part of the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and lndustry.
IOLAR is awarded basic level certification as a Family-Friendly Company.
IOLAR co-founds the Network for Corporate Social Responsibility Slovenia.
Iolar is awarded the full Family-Friendly Company Certificate.
ISO 17100 certified
IOLAR peaks Nr. 7 on the TOP 20 Language Service Providers in Southern Europe according to research by Common Sense Advisory Today
IOLAR is the most experienced company with the highest number of expert employees in the field of software localisation and technical documentation translation in the countries of South-East Europe.
At a glance
Professional Memberships
EUATC, TAUS, GALA, ELlA, Slovenian Association of Translation Companies, Proford -Hungarian Association of Professional Language Service Providers, Translators without Borders, Croatian Association of Translation Companies, Serbian Association of Translation Companies.
IOLAR services are delivered according to the international standard for the translation industry ISO 17100, which foresees the revision of the translated text by a second translator: this guarantees the high quality of translations delivered to lolar's clients. We use SAE J2450 standard which is applicable to ·translations of automotive service information into any target language. We also use Multidimensional Quality Metrics for describing translation quality metrics in a consistent and coherent fashion and trying them to specific project requirements.
We are SDL TRADOS reseller and approved training centre in the region, so we have a deep knowledge of its features. The following tools are used on a daily basis at lolar: All SOL Trados Studio versions up to 2017 (with certified trainers on board), Transit, MemoQ, Across, SmartCat, Matecat, Memsource, Idiom, TWS, SOLX, MemoQ, Across, Passolo, LocStudio, Helium, Catalyst, Adobe Acrobat Professional, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe IIlustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe lndesign, CorelDraw, MS Office, MS Excel, MS Word, ApSic Xbench and many more.
.fm, .mif, .inx,.idml,.icml, .txt, .csv, .htm, .html, .properties, .xls, .xlt, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xltx, .pot, .pps, .ppt, .potm, .potx, .ppsm, .ppsx, .pptm, .pptx, .doc, .xml, .doc, .dot, .docx, .dotx, .docm, .dotm, .odp, .ods, .odt, .sxw, .sxc, .sxi, .pdf, .xtg, .tag, .doc, .rtf, .itd, .sdlxliff, .sgml, .sgm, .dli, .exe, .rc, .ttx, .xlf, .xhtml, .xliff, .xml, .resx, .xml, .dita, .xml
Contact information
lolar d.o.o.
Parmova ulica 51
Sl-1000 Ljubljana
lolar d.o.o.
Gosposvetska 84
Sl-2000 Maribor
lolar d.o.o.
Krunska 50
11000 Belgrade
lolar d.o.o.
UI. R. Cimermana 48
10000 Zagreb
lolar GmbH
St. Veiter Strase 34
A1-9020 Klagenfurt
Consell Ltd.
Madarasz Viktor u. 47-49
1138 Budapest
lolar d.o.o.
ul. Stanoja Bunuševca 117
18000 Niš
lolar d.o.o.
Ohridska 50/18
1000 Skopje